Sunday, March 30, 2014

video assignment N 2

hi ladies and gentlemen i`m here Salem back again to analyse another video related to supper storm Sundy. here is this video from a website Sundystoryline we have gentleman who is name is John Watson talking about his experience after hurricane Sundy. he mention that he has been displaced to another apartment for over than two months, but the interesting part is when he said "i do everything that asks of me; nothing done of the others" again the story of the government careless is back leave people on their own. in addition, to that these people has to do as they asked to do, and work hard to do a job that suppose to be the administration job. there will be tow situations here: first one, if they fallow the steps it will take them a long time. second, if they give up they will have to wait forever. yet both situations are on the side of the government who is actually playing to take people out of the game, means if you wait you might get something($$$$) and good luck with the procedure. if you do not that is what the government is actually seeking for "less spending". we can also get the same meaning from the phrase that he used at the end of the video "stuck in the system" it is like having a monster from one side and an ocean from the other side which means "no choice" or in the best situations "just wait". the reason why im talking about this is to grab your attention to the speed that the government is using in local high ways (hurricane sundy) and the speed in interstate high ways (climate change). its obviously slow. in conclusion climate change VS slow plans will equal the end of mother nature.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

video assignment N1

blog assignment (take out) hi everyone, my name is salem and im assigned to respond to video related to supper storm sandy. here a video called the time in between. found in a website calls sundystoryline. the video shows a lady talking about her experience during and after hurricane sundy. sandy last probably an hour or two so obviously the challenging period is whatever comes after when sandy passed. the most significant point in my opinion in this video is the problem with a lost paper that the lady faced she said "we start a paper work for ....and they lost a paper work for that" from here we can take out two images. the first is the image of the people which is reflected on the voice of the lady. she keep calm, patient and strong. the second image is the government one which we can infer from the administration who lost an important paper work to respond to an emergency state. the lady seems strong despite all what she faced she was trying to help other people who were in need and she always think that there are people who need help more than her which is also a clue that the people were conscious. on the other hand we have a weak government who used bureaucracy to gain time and/or push people to find the rescue by themselves. we all know that paper work is always been saved by different ways hard copies and electronic. so the "lost paper" was a "fake reason" to keep people waiting waiting and waiting till they forget or lose hope in any government spending. yet we have an no balance power where a strong people are been rolled by a weak administration who cant even take responsibility to save files. i picked this idea to illustrate to the reader the gap between what the state should do and what they were actually doing in reality in such an emergency situation.

Monday, March 24, 2014

salem aomari practice of a quote sandwich. one of the risks that the city might face in the short period is the risk of been flooded during hurricanes or even in a rain storm; therefore, the state should urge to avoid that rather than making a plan to evacuate people whenever a hurricane comes around. in order to make this happen plans should be focus on building the shores well and evacuate more efficiency rain water. In the article new york is lagging as seas and risks rise critics warn written by Mireya Navarro and published in the New York Times is talking about how important is prevention to avoid the rise of water whether than getting preparing to be flooding. she reported Douglas Hill saying "Instead of “planning to be flooded,” as he put it, city, state and federal agencies should be investing in protection like sea gates that could close during a storm and block a surge from Long Island Sound and the Atlantic Ocean into the East River and New York Harbor" (Naverro).
salem aomari feedback from pier view to my paper for the first assignment. basically no comment about the strategy that i did fallow . quotes were well done as well as thesis statement . body language issue using it without stating what is actually the it before using it. include more details in the examples. missing the conclusion . some issues with a facts that i put because it looks like an opinion. some grammar errors.

Monday, March 17, 2014

grapgh reading

hi, everyone my name is salem and i`m studying business administration at lagaurdia community college. for one of my classes i`m supposed to pick up a graph from a book climate casino and explained. the graph that i pick up is on page 55 . underneath the graph we have a paragraph which explains the graph . it says that there is to phase for the planet situation today, which are the equilbre and disequilibrium side and both related with a non linear illustrate the movement from a situations to another and its causes, they put a boll in the first phase and showed its movements under some effects. the boll in the first situation according to the passage is easy to go to the next phase but once it gets there ill stuck and won`t be able to get back to the previous situation. this means that earth were in stable natural conditions where everything works under a visible hand, but after the human activities it start changing. the fist phase was earth before emission of co2 and other green house gases. the second comes after the emission of quantities of co2 that are over the capacity of the planet and that`s what pushes our planet to the other side of the red line. the bad news which constitute the importance of the graph is the matter fact that we can go from one to two but the door will close and we wont be able to come back to the equilibrium situation as we were before. it seems that everything is done already according to the graph. i disagree with the graph which is showing that just a few more pollution will take us from point A to B when it says "small stress can push the boll to the other side". i don`t think is this much small quantities could do that because we already put to much. however, we still in stable situation beside some changes in the climate.

first blog asignement

One of the most significant is the fact that we have so many options to fallow in order to go out of the climate casino as the book stated. Therefore, the book focused first of all on the origin of the issue because figuring out the issue itself is actually part of the solution, than it offered three different options to solve the problem. The passage proposed three sorts of ways to save the planet from global warming as I stated before. First it starts by calling the public to take the issue more seriously, than it passed to give out some suggesting to lower the carbon in the planet by either raising the cost of gas and/or working together as one nation to fix limits while using carbon in the industry. At last the passage talked about a new renovation that may lower carbon as the last chance in case we did not meet the two first options. The truth that we have options to get away and save the future generations doesn’t mean that we have time to argue about whether raising the cost of carbon is a solution or not . As a result, I think that we have to work on the first option as it is the last one ever. This may help us to gain more time. So many people could argue this decision because of the high cost of living. In this case, we can ask the question the other way around. Do you prefer to live or kill yourself and your only house softly? Another raison why I think this decision is worth it. Is because no way can guaranty the innovation of new technology to lower carbon, and at the mean time fixing the limit for use carbon in the industry has a strong relationship with its price.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

response to new york times article

Hi everyone, my name is Salem and I’m studying business administration at LaGuardia community college. I been assigned in one of my classes (ENG 101) to respond to an article published on the New York time about New York and climate change. The article What New York city is doing to prepare for climate change from the New York Times; discuses whether New York is really prepared for climate change especially hurricanes and their side effects such as: water flooding. In addition, to that it cites the most critical areas such as the Bronx and Brooklyn that have industrial waterfront and the long cost in general. At last, the article gives us some experiences in other cities to face natural disasters which I think might be helpful for the New York experience. For instance, it stated the Chicago technique to absorb the water through filter in parks and bike paths to lower to level of water and send it back to the sea. Mr. kald on his reaction to the same article that I had stated before published on line said “the problem is that like with so many things nowadays, the effects of changing climates doesn’t threaten people who can do something about it.” As a human we faced a plenty of natural disasters throughout our existence, and we are going to see more that what we saw. However, we still here!!! And we will keep on going as far as we know what to do to stop this kind of issues. I agree with his statement for two reasons first, as I said before is the matter fact that we still exist despite all what we had faced as human being. This means that we can always do something against nature in order to survive. Yet, all what we had created was to face natural difficulties in life. Second, reason is like the idea of been positive to face the issue and solve it instead of been scared all the time and wait for our end to come. It was actually kind of hop to move forward for the best of the new generation coming up.