Wednesday, March 12, 2014

response to new york times article

Hi everyone, my name is Salem and I’m studying business administration at LaGuardia community college. I been assigned in one of my classes (ENG 101) to respond to an article published on the New York time about New York and climate change. The article What New York city is doing to prepare for climate change from the New York Times; discuses whether New York is really prepared for climate change especially hurricanes and their side effects such as: water flooding. In addition, to that it cites the most critical areas such as the Bronx and Brooklyn that have industrial waterfront and the long cost in general. At last, the article gives us some experiences in other cities to face natural disasters which I think might be helpful for the New York experience. For instance, it stated the Chicago technique to absorb the water through filter in parks and bike paths to lower to level of water and send it back to the sea. Mr. kald on his reaction to the same article that I had stated before published on line said “the problem is that like with so many things nowadays, the effects of changing climates doesn’t threaten people who can do something about it.” As a human we faced a plenty of natural disasters throughout our existence, and we are going to see more that what we saw. However, we still here!!! And we will keep on going as far as we know what to do to stop this kind of issues. I agree with his statement for two reasons first, as I said before is the matter fact that we still exist despite all what we had faced as human being. This means that we can always do something against nature in order to survive. Yet, all what we had created was to face natural difficulties in life. Second, reason is like the idea of been positive to face the issue and solve it instead of been scared all the time and wait for our end to come. It was actually kind of hop to move forward for the best of the new generation coming up.

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